Top 8 Free Online Courses To Improve Knowledge On Technology

There are several free online tech training websites available around you which may not give you relevant certificates, but yes you’ll definitely move a step further in the competitive market.

Once upon a time, universities and colleges used to be the only reliable places to acquire higher learning. But now education has moved beyond colleges and universities, courtesy Internet. There are lots of places which offer open learning opportunities and it helps grow a new bunch of young talented techies around the world. If you couldn’t financially afford higher education on technology, then no more worries. There are several free online tech training websites available around you which may not give you relevant certificates, but yes you’ll definitely move a step further in the competitive market. Some of the below listed courses might charge a certain amount of money to give a certificate or credit, but all of them are free and will allow you learn more new things about technology and you can add new skills to your resume too.

1. Introduction to Linux:

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Does Linux fascinate you a lot? Have you always been willing to learn more and more about Linux? Then here is an online course, Introduction to Linux, which is offered by edX, in partnership with Linux Foundation. It gives knowledge about graphical interface, command line and all the major Linux distributions. It also gives a brief knowledge about how a Linux admin works everyday and what are the particular skillsets required. As estimated by the course designers, total 40-60 hours of study is required to cover and understand the course material. Students are also allowed to audit the course and apart from the course material, students have also access to tests, assignments and other related activities. A verified certificate is also provided for a fee.

2. Google Analytics Academy:

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Web is flourishing everyday, similarly online shopping and social media marketing. Organic search traffic has seen a new boom in recent times. If you are running a website then it’s very important that you understand your website’s analytics so that you can make out much better data-based decisions which will eventually improve customer experience. That’s why Google Analytics is so popular among website administrators and web based businesses. Google has also created an online learning center which offers courses to help you use hidden data from within your website.

3. Building Mobile Experiences:

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This is another online course offered by edX, but this time in partnership with MIT. It aims to make the foundation of building mobile experiences stronger than ever. Mobile app traffic counts for the most part of Web usage and has also surpassed desktop to become the dominant portion of Internet traffic. So developers need to be familiar with the process, design and skills. Building Mobile Experiences covers a popular MIT class which took place in 2006. It explores and analyses mobile user behaviour and also application of the observations in the designing process. Some code writing is definitely required and students can also receive a verified certificate for a fee.

4. Microsoft Virtual Academy:

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This course covers Microsoft products primarily. The covered products include games, cloud, app development and so on. It’s free absolutely and only a Microsoft account is what required to access the course. Once you create an MVA profile and log in, you can attend the courses and live events too. The course also allows you to chalk out a proper learning plan and you can also track progress towards the final results.

5. Udacity:

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Udacity is initiated by Stanford University and it started by offering free computer classes. It started in 2011 and till now it has around 2 million users. The course covers HTML, Python, Data Science and more. Google has also entered partnership with Udacity and Android development reached masses extensively. Individuals get free access to course materials and related service like instructor videos and project instructions too.

6. Alison:

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There is a series of free online technical courses in Alison which cover online business, C programming in different flavours and Adobe training. This course offers basics of computing and there are more than 600 courses in this section.

7. Design and Development of Educational Technology:

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This course is offered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, again via edX, and it has interactive online classes from world’s most reputed universities. It runs for six weeks and each week it requires 4-6 hours of study. The course covers the development of educational technologies and how they have been applied among masses.

8. Harvard’s CS50 Computer Science:

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This is an introductory course to computer science by Harvard. It ensures that students receive a solid foundation in basic coding and they can also learn aspects of C programming, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL. It also allows students audit the course and they also receive an Honour Code certificate at the end of the course.

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