NEWS : formerly posted on

Published on: 27 Jan 2015 @ 17:28

GREAT! The migration of this blog is almost done to this other blog.
I had to play a little bit with phpMyAdmin, but it was not really hard to change the hard coded links in the database dump and then to inject the current content of this blog in the new blog’s database.

FINAL step : I’ll have to upload the current medias (I can count 54 of them), find the impacted posts and finally re-link medias in posts. I’ll do that tomorrow!
Although, I do believe some people already coded some automated migration procedures, it won’t take that long to do this on my own. By the way, if that task would have required more than 1-2 hrs to complete, I surely would have used such procedures ^^

EDIT : FINAL step done :: it was really easier than I thought.
I thought WP was timestamping the uploaded medias, but not at all. I tried blind and it worked ..

HENCE, this is my last post on this OVH WP module … now everything will be published here :

last update :

this blog is no longer maintained

it will be closed on the 1st of march, 2015

the new version of this blog is here :
