Personal project : Kimsufi dedicated server


It’s been a while since I last posted, so I’ll take a few minutes to tell you what work have been done.

After I bought, I changed the DNS type A with my OVH pannel and set it up so that the value would match the one of my dedicated server (see the post of 04/03/2015 below).
Then I updated the contents of my online resume (which was previously on, a DNS I’ve been owning for years; you may also note that the default page on this DNS is also my online resume : I will keep it like this for some time until I will find something more suitable to publish on and transferred it to You can check ^^

About 2 weeks ago, I finally managed to set apache virtual hosts properly and this work perfectly, meaning I can host a tremendous number of websites on my dedicated server from now on.

In order to test this, I bought which was previously owned by a friend but she didn’t have the time to manage her website and pay the fees so, eventually, the DNS was not renewed and it became accessible. She kindly allowed me to buy it as I told her months ago I would like to play around with a website and hers was a good idea. 3 years ago I made a Proof Of Concept of her website with Drupal and hosted it on, even though she already had one.At the moment, the website is quite empty. I used WordPress but I may change this to Drupal or even something lighter.
Anyway, it allowed me to learn how to install WP and fully set it up with the command line. I even used the mysql shell to set up the database parameters instead of PHPMyAdmin : that’s pretty basical and straightforward.

Before I can install ownCloud, ISPConfig and Open-Xchange, I have one last thing to do : I must properly install and set up Dovecot and protect the dedicated server from incoming emails (hence the POP3/IMAP protocols) their lots of viruses and spams (i.e. anti-virus and anti-spam softwares). SMTP is working great with Postfix and doesn’t require any extra security layer as the server stands for now.

I’ll post a few pics as proofs that both DNS, and are pointing at the same IP address, and you can check they do not display the same websites. It means the virtual hosts are nicely configured ^^

More later!

here are the pics I promised before, enjoy =)[/edit]