10 Most-Required Skills For An Engineering Job At Google!

In the tech industry, Google is one of the most sought after companies in the world among techies. Google treat engineers as rock stars at the company and they are also paid like they are everything for the company. While Indians start at $70,000 to $90,000 packages, software engineers rake in $118,000 and senior software engineers earn around $152,985, on an average. Around 2.5 million job applications are received by the company every year but they hire only 4,000 people. So if you are an aspiring Googler, here comes a list of required skills, published by Google in Education team.

The company says that computer science knowledge should be very strong in every potential candidate. University students can follow this guide to develop their technical skills and engage in hands-on learning too. So here are the skills which Google want to see in their resources before hiring:

1. Coding skills: At least one object-oriented programming language should be learnt by every aspiring Googler like C++, Java or Python, for best coding practices. Candidates can refer to MIT or Udacity for learning these languages.

2. Code testing: It’s not sufficient to know coding, but the candidate should also be an expert in testing the code. Google wants to check bugs, create tests and break a software.

3. Abstract mathematics: Logical reasoning along with knowledge in computer science is also necessary to get hired by Google.

4. Knowledge of operating systems: Knowledge of operating systems is also a must as most of the work will be done on the operating systems only.

5. Artificial intelligence skills: Google is quite fond of robots, which means lack of knowledge in artificial intelligence will not do.

6. Understanding of algorithms and data structures: Google loves fundamental data types like stacks, queues and bags and also algorithms like quicksort, mergesort and heapsort.

7. Cryptography: Cyber security is one of the most important areas in focus now, hence candidates have to learn cryptography to gain success in future.

8. Learn building compilers: If a resource knows how to build compilers then he/she will also come to know how a programme, written in a high-level language for humans, can be translated into a program for machines.

9. Parallel programming: If you are able to conduct several computations simultaneously through parallel programming, then nothing can be better for you.

10. Don’t ignore other programming languages as well: If your skillset features knowledge of JavaScript, CSS, HTML and Ruby too, then it makes you more powerful.

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8 Best Java Tools That Every Java Programmer Must Use

Java is computer application programming language, the robust language is widely used in creating web applications, server handling, user-end API development and even databases. The use-case and importance of Java is huge. The learning curve of Java, requires programmers to be in constantly active. Today we have listed 10 best Java tools that can help you in development of your Java application.

1. SparkJava (open source)


This is a new lightweight and powerful web application framework for Java programmers. Spark has simple and straight-forward approach. You can code application using Spark framework by doing some cumbersome XML configuration. Spark helps in developing Java web app with minimal efforts.

2. jClarity


jClarity is combination of two products, illuminate is made for performance monitoring while, census collects logs and analysis data. jClarity supports cloud integration. Apps made using jClarity have better up time and revenue. The framework is very compact and light weight.

3. Clover


Clove is a great tool for code coverage. The tool helps in writing code that can be used for app testing. You can run clover in IDE or continuous integration system. The tool is optimized to run your tests faster.

4. jProfiler


jProfiler has intuitive user interface that can help you in resolving performance bottlebecks and understanding issues. You can easily pin down memory leaks and fix threading issues using jProfiler.

5. Visualvm (open source)


VisualVM is all-in-one Java troubleshooting tool. You can use VisualVM in integrating several command line JDK tools. The lightweight tool has amazing profiling capabilities. You can use VisualVM in utilizing technologies like jvmstat, JMX and Serviceability Agent (SA). VisualVM is best known to attach API to get more data and to automatically use fastest and most lightweight technology to impose overhead on monitored applications.

6. Elasticsearch (open source)


Elastic search provides tools to integrate existing applications to power their interactions with incoming data. The open source tool provides real-time search and analytics engine. Elasticsearch is designed to use in distributed environments where reliability and scalability are important factors. The tool gives beyond simple full-text search experience.

7. Sonarqube (open source)


Sonarqube is open platform to manage the quality of code. The web-based application can be configured with your java app. It provides rules, alerts, thresholds, exclusions and settings. SonarQube allows users to combine metrics together and also mix them with historical measures.

8. Takipi


Takipi is a lightweight Java agent. You can install Takipi under few minutes. There is no requirement of code annotations or configurations. You can use one server with full capabilities to work with Takipi. The Java tool helps you in reducing the debugging time.

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10 Online Communities For Programmers and Hackers!

These real-time communities provide a one of a kind learning experience.

Learning curve of programming is always taken in consideration before choosing the right programming community. Online programming communities are like discussion boards, forums, bulletin boards etc. It’s great to be having discussions about programming language that you are learning.

Programming communities help programmers to stay updated about the new information and problem solving cases. They are full of insightful answers which give new perspective of looking at the problem. Number of resources, talks and research about the programming language can be found on these online communities.

A beginner get to experience the professionalism on these communities. It is the best place to find resourceful people following same passion. You can be straightforward with the questions. And in most cases your question is already covered. Today we have listed 10 programming communities that can develop skills of developer and hacker within you.

1. Stack Overflow

Is is one of the oldest programming community. It’s been around for six years and has large number of active users. It is really hard to built your reputation and follower base on this site. There are things that keep you stuck to the Stack Overflow. Upvoting, commenting gives your privilege to develop your skills.

Co-founder of Stack Overflow, Jeff Atwood believes, “Stack Overflow is by programmers and for programmers. Who are joining us to sum up total good knowledge of programming in the world.”

2. Reddit

This site has highest traffic. It receives 110,000,000 users per month. There are thousands of active sub-reddit under consideration. User can sign up and subscribe to the sb-reddits. The programming related sub-reddits are large in number, however there are some more traffics covered in Reddit.

3. Google+ Communities

Google started this community with the focus of keeping it centralised for Google technologies developers. But that motto of Google has failed. The developers community on this platform is very high profile. You can find well categorised communities with average 100,000 members.

4. SitePoint

This is one popular forum for designers. The site is focused on development of beginners and intermediate users. The site covers many programming languages too. The site is full of articles related to web development and design, copywriting, user experience. The active community on SitePoint helps users in marketing and business as well. SitePoint offers unique bookstore which is known as Learnable. You can test Learnable with 14-day trial offer.

5. CodeProject

As per the last year’s statistics, this site has over 10 million members. The site acts like open source library of code. It offers wide community focused on various programming languages like C, C#, C++, Lisp, Java etc. There are thousands of guides and tutorials available on the site. The search tool on CodeProject helps you find exactly what you are looking for.

6. Treehouse

Treehouse is the online programming tutorial. The site offers huge discount to new subscribers. It is one of the affordable way of learning programming online. The site has articles and solutions to problems of beginner programmers as well. It is very well categorized website with proper categories and tags. Treehouse features number of short videos, quizzes and badges to learn web design, development and iOS development. The pricing of courses on Treehouse varies from $29 to $49 per month.

7. Hacker News

This is a popular Y Combinator powered community. It is the best source to know what’s happening in hacking world. You can find number of examples in comment section of posts. The site has intelligent search engine, which searches through comments too. The list of content is well sorted as well. It is freakishly addictive site. You can find open source libraries, tools and codes that can help with your development on this site.

8. DZone

It is the best place for community users to discover and share the latest and popular news on the internet. It is being driven by the moderator and editorial staff working for DZone. Not all the content on this site is great but specially, Mobile and Java zones are quite informative and active. The individual categories on DZone is known as ‘The Zones’. Editorial staff works really hard to make sure that articles available in zones are interesting and relevant to the subject.

9. Bytes

It is a great community for categories like software development, database development, administration of networks, systems and databases alike. The focus of Bytes is on very niche segment, that is database and networks. The community has fair number of resources in case of databases, networks and systems. All the answers to problems are very thoughtful and gives better perspective of looking at the problem.

10. DaniWeb

Previously DaniWeb was famous for its community for marketers and business but now, its known for web developers and programmers. DaniWeb uses custom forum platform for the website. The web community attracts five-million unique visitors per month. The site covers detailed information and solutions to almost all your problems related to web and software development, hardware ticketing, marketing and business.

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