8 Best Java Tools That Every Java Programmer Must Use

Java is computer application programming language, the robust language is widely used in creating web applications, server handling, user-end API development and even databases. The use-case and importance of Java is huge. The learning curve of Java, requires programmers to be in constantly active. Today we have listed 10 best Java tools that can help you in development of your Java application.

1. SparkJava (open source)


This is a new lightweight and powerful web application framework for Java programmers. Spark has simple and straight-forward approach. You can code application using Spark framework by doing some cumbersome XML configuration. Spark helps in developing Java web app with minimal efforts.

2. jClarity


jClarity is combination of two products, illuminate is made for performance monitoring while, census collects logs and analysis data. jClarity supports cloud integration. Apps made using jClarity have better up time and revenue. The framework is very compact and light weight.

3. Clover


Clove is a great tool for code coverage. The tool helps in writing code that can be used for app testing. You can run clover in IDE or continuous integration system. The tool is optimized to run your tests faster.

4. jProfiler


jProfiler has intuitive user interface that can help you in resolving performance bottlebecks and understanding issues. You can easily pin down memory leaks and fix threading issues using jProfiler.

5. Visualvm (open source)


VisualVM is all-in-one Java troubleshooting tool. You can use VisualVM in integrating several command line JDK tools. The lightweight tool has amazing profiling capabilities. You can use VisualVM in utilizing technologies like jvmstat, JMX and Serviceability Agent (SA). VisualVM is best known to attach API to get more data and to automatically use fastest and most lightweight technology to impose overhead on monitored applications.

6. Elasticsearch (open source)


Elastic search provides tools to integrate existing applications to power their interactions with incoming data. The open source tool provides real-time search and analytics engine. Elasticsearch is designed to use in distributed environments where reliability and scalability are important factors. The tool gives beyond simple full-text search experience.

7. Sonarqube (open source)


Sonarqube is open platform to manage the quality of code. The web-based application can be configured with your java app. It provides rules, alerts, thresholds, exclusions and settings. SonarQube allows users to combine metrics together and also mix them with historical measures.

8. Takipi


Takipi is a lightweight Java agent. You can install Takipi under few minutes. There is no requirement of code annotations or configurations. You can use one server with full capabilities to work with Takipi. The Java tool helps you in reducing the debugging time.

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