Tech Salaries In 2015

Tech job market is hot right now. Survey results predict that there are going to be multiple job opportunities in IT in 2015. Mobile app developers, big data engineers, network administrators are going to have huge demand in coming year. Statistics say that, there is going to be 35 to 38 per cent growth in salary packages of IT employees. Today we have listed predicted salaries of IT workers in 2015.

1. IT Management

CIO : $157,000 – $262,500
CTO : $137,500 – $220,250
CSO : $134,250 – $204,750
Vice President : $138,000 – $210,250
Technology Director : $118,750 – $174,000
IT Manager $101,750 – $150,750

2. Project Management and Analysts

Manager: $103,250 – $150,750
Project Manager: $91,250 – $139,250
Systems Analyst: $79,500 – $114,500
Business Systems Analyst: $79,250 – $116,500
CRM Business Analyst: $84,500 – $116,750
ERP Business Analyst: $87,500 – $124,500
ERP Technical/Functional Analyst: $94,750 – $132,000
Developer/Programmer Analyst: $74,250 – $129,000

3. Application Development

Mobile App Developer: $107,500 – $161,500
Applications Architect: $115,750 – $159,500
CRM Technical Developer: $93,500 – $129,250
ERP Technical Developer: $99,750 – $136,750
Database Developer: $98,000 – $144,750
Lead Applications Developer: $106,250 – $148,250
Technical Writer: $55,000 – $85,250

4. Consulting and Systems Integration

Director, Consulting/Systems Integration: $119,750 – $178,750
Practice Manager: $119,250 – $164,750
Project Manager/Senior Consultant: $98,750 – $144,250
Staff Consultant: $77,500 – $108,750
Senior IT Auditor: $111,750 – $155,500
IT Auditor: $94,500 – $134,500

5. Data and Database Administration

Big Data Engineer: $119,250 – $168,250
Data Architect: $119,750 – $164,750
Database Manager: $112,250 – $160,250
Database Admin: $91,000 – $134,750
Data Analyst/Report Writer: $70,750 – $108,250
Data Modeler: $101,750 – $145,250
Data Warehouse Manager: $119,750 – $163,000
Data Warehouse Analyst: $102,500 – $142,500
Business Intelligence Analyst: $108,500 – $153,000
Electronic Data Interchange Specialist: $74,750 – $108,250
Portal Admin: $92,750 – $127,250

6. Quality Assurance and Testing

Quality Engineer – Manual: $63,750 – $88,250
Quality Engineer – Automated: $74,250 – $103,750
Quality Assurance/Testing Manager: $90,000 – $122,500
Quality Assurance Associate/Analyst: $62,000 – $97,500

7. Internet and E-commerce

Sr. Web Developer: $104,500 – $144,250
Web Developer: $73,500 – $122,000
Web Admin: $66,500 – $102,000
Web Designer: $64,000 – $105,500
Ecommerce Analyst: $84,250 – $121,500

8. Networking and Telecommunications

Wireless Network Engineer: $99,000 – $137,500
Network Architect: $115,000 – $165,250
Network Manager: $98,000 – $137,250
Network Engineer: $90,750 – $131,250
Network Admin: $71,250 – $105,750
Pre-Sales Engineer/Technical Engineer: $86,250 – $125,750
Telecommunications Manager: $86,000 – $118,500
Telecommunications Specialist: $59,000 – $91,250

9. Operations

Operations Manager: $65,500 – $93,500
Computer Operator: $34,750 – $48,000
Mainframe Systems Programmer: $61,500 – $85,000

10. Security

Information Systems Security Manager: $122,250 – $171,250
Data Security Analyst: $106,250 – $149,000
Systems Security Admin: $100,000 – $140,250
Network Security Admin: $99,250 – $138,500
Network Security Engineer: $105,000 – $141,500

11. Software Development

Software Developer: $85,500 – $136,250
Product Manager: $101,750 – $145,000
Software Engineer: $96,000 – $147,250

12. Help Desk and Technical Support

Help Desk Tier 3: $55,250 – $74,000
Help Desk Tier 2: $43,750 – $58,000
Help Desk Tier 1: $34,000 – $47,250
Manager: $80,500 – $114,750
Desktop Support Analyst: $52,000 – $77,000
Systems Admin: $65,750 – $100,500
Systems Engineer: $80,250 – $117,500
Messaging Admin: $72,500 – $105,000
Instructor/Trainer: $54,250 – $87,250
PC Technician: $33,750 – $49,750
Business Continuity Analyst: $92,500 – $132,250

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Le salaire, facteur n°1 d’attraction et de fidélisation

Dans la guerre des talents que se livrent les entreprises, un élément se distingue à l’échelle mondiale : la rémunération. C’est ce qui ressort des enquêtes de Towers Watson, confirmant qu’elle est au cœur de la relation salarié/entreprise.


Pour les DRH, l’un des principaux défis consiste à attirer et fidéliser les talents dont les entreprises ont besoin. Sans surprise, c’est bien le salaire qui apparaît comme le principal facteur à prendre en compte, comme le confirment les enquêtes biannuelles du cabinet de conseil Towers Watson.

Premier critère d’attractivité pour un salarié sur trois

Au niveau mondial, 50 % des salariés jugent leur rémunération équitable par rapport à leurs collègues et 46 % estiment être payés correctement par rapport au marché. S’agissant de rejoindre une entreprise, le salaire est le premier facteur d’attractivité pour 35 % des salariés.
Cette statistique est confirmée dans les grands pays européens (Espagne, Royaume-Uni, Italie, Pays-Bas et Allemagne) où le salaire fait toujours partie des quatre premiers facteurs d’attraction cités par les collaborateurs.

Du point de vue des entreprises, le salaire est jugé comme un levier majeur pour attirer les talents, devant la sécurité de l’emploi. S’agissant de fidélisation, l’entreprise et les salariés sont sur la même longueur d’ondes. 54 % des collaborateurs déclarent que le salaire est leur premier critère pour rester ou quitter une entreprise, devant les opportunités de carrière (41 %). Les responsables RH des entreprises interrogées ont exactement la même perception.

L’importance d’une communication dédiée

Les enquêtes s’intéressent également à la situation en France, où la cohérence entre rémunération et performance reste semble-t-il mal comprise. Renforcer le lien entre ces deux dimensions est un enjeu pour les entreprises, et ce d’autant que les enveloppes d’augmentations salariales sont réduites. En effet, seuls 31 % des salariés trouvent que le lien entre leur performance et leur salaire est clair et 39 % d’entre eux estiment que les plus performants sont reconnus en conséquence.

Pour renforcer ce lien, la communication sur la politique de rémunération, composante majeure de la promesse employeur, est un levier actionné par de nombreuses entreprises avec des résultats en progression : en effet, 41 % des salariés français estiment que leur entreprise explique bien leur programme de rémunération tandis que 37 % trouvent qu’elle réussit à expliquer le processus de gestion de la performance.

Engagement et promesse employeur

« Les résultats de ces études indiquent que le niveau d’engagement des collaborateurs est plus élevé dans les entreprises qui parviennent à bien formaliser, communiquer et mettre en oeuvre leur promesse employeur, estime Marie Pussier, responsable du département rémunération chez Towers Watson France. Pour les entreprises, comprendre les perceptions des salariés sur leur rémunération et agir sur le lien entre performance et rémunération (qui font partie de la promesse employeur) sont des enjeux importants pour aligner outils, politiques et pratiques et donner du sens aux composantes de la rétribution globale. »

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SMIC 2015

Au 1er janvier 2015, le Smic brut est de 1.457,52 euros par mois pour un emploi à temps complet (35 heures par semaine). Il est en effet revalorisé le premier janvier prochain, de 0,8% (contre +1,1% en 2014), pour atteindre un salaire net d’environ 1.140 euros net.

Rappelons que le SMIC ou salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance est le salaire horaire en dessous duquel l’employeur n’a pas le droit de descendre pour rémunérer un salarié et ce, quelle que soit la forme de sa rémunération (travail à la durée, au rendement, à la tâche, à la pièce, à la commission ou au pourboire). Le SMIC assure aux salariés dont les salaires sont les plus faibles la garantie de leur pouvoir d’achat.

Le Smic net – qui correspond au salaire que perçoit effectivement le salarié – est obtenu en déduisant du smic brut les différentes charges sociales salariales. […]

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Salaires en 2015 : Dans l’IT, les profils les spécialisés feront la différence

D’après l’enquête de Hays sur les recrutements et les salaires 2014 du secteur de l’informatique et des télécoms, la montée en puissance du cloud, de la BI et de la sécurité ont engendré une demande sur des profils très spécialisés.  Dans ces domaines, les niveaux de salaires sont à la hausse. Les consultants SAP restent également très demandés.

Dans son étude annuelle de rémunération*, Hays a observé une augmentation des recrutements dans l’IT en 2014, notamment pour les jeunes diplômés d’écoles d’Ingénieurs. D’après le cabinet de recrutement, cette tendance devrait se confirmer en 2015. Si l’étude relève que les salaires ont peu évolué ces dernières années, la rareté de certains profils spécialisés peut offrir de belles espérances en termes de rémunération. Les secteurs les plus porteurs restent toujours ceux de la banque et de l’assurance. Dans ce domaine, les profils d’experts combinant une connaissance des big data et du métier tirent leur épingle du jeu. Il semble qu’avec la révolution numérique, le métier d’assureur est en train de se modifier en profondeur.

Les développeurs et les consultants toujours courtisés

Les missions en SSII sont en croissance et les créations de postes se multiplient en interne, souligne également l’étude réalisée par Hays. Les éditeurs de logiciels continuent eux aussi à recruter des informaticiens, surtout des développeurs. Hays note que la politique des salaires a peu évolué ces dernières années. Si la différence de rémunération varie en fonction de la taille de l’entreprise, les entreprises n’hésitent toutefois pas à augmenter les salaires afin d’obtenir des compétences nécessaires et rares. Sont concernés les développeurs (entre 38/43 K€ pour un profil junior et jusqu’à 60 à 65 K€ pour un confirmé en Ile-de-France), surtout ceux maîtrisant C++. Il en est de même pour les  consultants ERP (entre 35 à 38 K€ pour ceux ayant moins de 3 ans d’expérience et jusqu’à  60/75 K€ pour les expérimentés) ainsi que pour les consultants décisionnels (entre 35 à 38 K€ au démarrage et jusqu’à 60 à 70 K€ pour des candidats confirmés). La palme revient aux responsables BI, dont le salaire commence entre 55/65 K€ pour atteindre jusqu’à 90 K€.

Des demandes liées au développement du cloud

« Le volume et la complexité accrue des données obligent les DSI à structurer les architectures  décisionnelles », a analysé le cabinet. Cette fonction a pour rôle essentiel de concevoir une architecture décisionnelle cible et de participer à la conception et l’évolution de l’ensemble des référentiels de données. Le but étant d’assurer la cohérence et l’exploitabilité dans les outils décisionnels ». Des compétences techniques sont essentielles car le consultant décisionnel met en place, maintient et assure le bon fonctionnement des outils auprès des utilisateurs. Des connaissances linguistiques avérées peuvent également peser sur les salaires, fait remarquer Hays en parallèle. L’émergence du cloud ces dernières années a ouvert la voie aux profils spécialisés en sécurité afin de limiter les risques pour les entreprises. Ainsi les prétentions salariales des ingénieurs réseaux et sécurité confirmés peuvent atteindre 65 à 70 K€.

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IT Salary Survey 2014: Who’s hot, who’s not

A shortage of workers with both technical and business skills has employers scrambling and (some) IT pros smiling.


It’s poaching season at Truven Health Analytics. The Santa Barbara, Calif., company has been up to its eyeballs in new projects since the federal government’s Medicaid business systems group enlisted Truven’s help to improve its Web-enabled reporting systems.

With business booming, Randy Lum, director of Truven’s software and database design group, needed two highly skilled developers — fast. But the rules of supply and demand were not in his favor. Nearly half of all managers who are in the hiring mood are looking for developers, according to Computerworld‘s 2014 Salary Survey. So Lum took a tried-and-true course of action.

“I steal people,” he says, “people that I’ve worked with in the past that I know are good. I’m not shy about that. If I can offer them something they’re after, I won’t hesitate.”

In fact, five out of seven of his direct reports — all senior-level computer scientists — are former colleagues. Most of them are looking for job security, Lum says, but a competitive salary doesn’t hurt either. Right now his staffers earn between $128,000 and $143,000 per year. Their unique skill sets make them well worth the price, he adds.

“It is difficult to find developers with the right mix of technology skills for what we do,” he explains. “We’re not a large group, and my development staff is expected to have a wide range of skills — so they can work on any part of any project, ranging from database to the Web interface and everything in between.”

IT employees who participated in Computerworld‘s annual salary survey share that view of the market. They say a shortage of IT workers with the right skills, an uptick in new projects and a shift in the way IT works with business units have given them renewed optimism about IT careers — though salaries and bonuses are advancing slowly.

Read the full report: Computerworld IT Salary Survey 2014

Compensation and job security inch up

IT salaries continue to chug along, with pay increases averaging a modest 2.1%, according to the survey of 3,673 IT workers. Bonuses are up by an average of only 0.7%, slightly lower than the 0.9% increase seen in 2013.

On the bright side, companies are spreading pay increases among more IT workers. Some 60% of the respondents reported a raise, while only 8% reported a pay cut. That’s slightly better than last year, when 57% reported raises and 9% reported pay cuts, but well above 2012, when less than half reported a raise.

As the economy has improved, the percentage of respondents who feel secure in their jobs has also inched up, from 57% in 2012 to 59% in 2013 and 61% this year. Workers are also more optimistic about IT as a career: In 2012, only 29% said they believed that a career path in IT and the potential for salary advancement was as promising as it was five years prior, but that percentage increased to 38% in 2013 and to 42% this year.

The rising optimism among IT pros coincides with an increase in the number of open positions and a shortage of workers with the skills to fill those jobs. But while some people are in high demand, others find themselves sitting on the sidelines.

Hot, hot, hot

For the third year in a row, application development was the most sought-after skill: 49% of all managers who expect to hire this year said it was on their wish list.

Help desk and IT support skills ranked second, with 44% of managers expecting to fill jobs in those areas this year. That’s up from 37% in 2013 — the biggest year-over-year increase in our survey.

Not surprisingly, some organizations are having a tough time meeting salary demands.

It took six months to find a do-it-all help desk staffer to meet the growing technology demands of the Monadnock Regional School District in Swanzey, N.H., says Neal Richardson, the district’s director of technology.

“We had very highly qualified candidates; we just couldn’t meet their salary requirements,” which were $15,000 to $20,000 higher than the district could pay, he recalls. “We ended up going with [someone with] less experience.”

Public school IT professionals once accepted lower salaries in return for perks such as low-cost insurance and summers off, Richardson says. But school boards are whittling those benefits away. For instance, IT jobs are now year-round positions, he says.

Third place on the list of the most in-demand skills saw a tie between business intelligence skills and database analysis and development expertise, with 29% of hiring managers saying they planned to increase staffing in those areas.

“All things data” are red hot, says David Foote, CEO at Foote Partners, an IT labor market analyst firm. Titles such as data administrator, database developer and database architect are grabbing recruiters’ attention, especially for positions in larger companies.

Rounding out the top 10 in-demand skills among 2014 survey respondents were security, network administration, networking, cloud computing, Web design and development, and data management.

Headhunter calls, unfilled positions

With demand outpacing supply for many positions, more than half of our survey takers (54%) said a headhunter has contacted them in the past year.

“I get a lot of job offers from staffing companies and corporations that need a ton of DBAs and SQL administrators,” says Erin Baker, CIO at payroll processing firm Fastpay Payroll in Lubbock, Texas. He says he receives five to 10 calls a year from recruiters, and “most often they’re looking for SQL DBA or SQL programming skills.”

Though some offers have been tempting, Baker says no company has been able to beat the perks of his current job, which include weekends off, flexible hours and the opportunity to work from home.

David Fitzgerald, network and security engineer at Ariad Pharmaceuticals in Boston, says he gets a call or an email from a recruiter “probably once a day.” But like Baker, he doesn’t see himself leaving his current employer anytime soon. “It’s a small cancer-based pharma. They’re doing good things for people,” he says. “I have a great deal of autonomy. I can make a difference.”

(Many survey respondents ranked intangible factors such as recognition for good work and a positive corporate culture as important aspects of their jobs. See “What Do IT Workers Want?“)

All of those recruiter calls point to a growing challenge facing employers: It’s taking them longer to fill open positions. Half of the managers surveyed by Computerworld said that it has taken at least three months to fill open IT positions in the last two years.

Lance Abla, principal systems engineer and specialist SE manager at EMC, spent more than six months finding the right candidates for three positions in EMC’s presales consulting group. He says he’s not seeking one specific skill but a wide range of knowledge in storage, networking, operating systems and “everything middleware and below.”

“They have to be able to talk intelligently to C-level execs and customers, and make a case for why we should assist that customer in not only the services and software, but the hardware that they use to run their IT platforms. It’s pretty hard to find people who have that breadth and depth of knowledge,” not to mention the personality and professionalism that’s required for the job, he says. “That quality where everyone perks up when they speak, or when they enter a room they have this presence — I can’t teach those things.”

The IT skills shortage is real

IT job watchers and HR consultants agree that there’s a real skills shortage in the “hot” IT specialties because the number of projects that involve those types of work is exploding. And with many other IT positions, employers want the “perfect candidate” — someone with a mix of tech expertise, problem-solving abilities and people skills. That’s a tall order that keeps positions from being filled.

“Companies don’t want the hard-core techie that sits off in the back room. They want the person that has those tech skills, but also someone they can put in the boardroom or in front of the business group,” says John Reed, senior executive director at Robert Half Technology. “There aren’t that many of those types of people.”

Today, IT workers are “being thrust into a seat at the table,” adds David Foote, CEO of Foote Partners. “The problem is, that seat requires a very different IT organization” — one that can move with speed and agility — and therefore a new hiring philosophy is also needed. For instance, Foote says, “the best companies are hiring software engineers who are also analysts because it’s more efficient. You’re doing it quicker, and it’s strategic as well as tactical.”

— Stacy Collett

While positions remain unfilled, the projects are piling up for current IT employees. Some 26% of respondents said that in the past year their working conditions were significantly affected by unfilled open positions, compared to 20% in 2013. One-third of survey takers said they were affected by new understaffed projects.

Solutions architect senior manager Dane Bamburry received a 3% raise this year from his employer, Cox Enterprises, the same pay increase he had last year — but he also got an 18% bonus for his efforts on two major internal cross-divisional projects that required him to work an extra five or six hours several days a week.

“In my immediate department we have a shortage of employees right now,” says Bamburry. “I’m trying to procure funding to add additional staff.”

Bamburry, who oversees a staff of five, says he fields eight to 10 phone calls a year from headhunters looking to poach employees with technology strategy skills — especially people focused on mobility and cloud. “Those are the buzzwords of today,” he says.

But he chooses to work the extra hours and stay with the company because he likes his team. “We have a good group of people, very collaborative, and a positive environment,” he explains. “The career and growth potential so far have been good. If you have a good working environment with people you get along with, that’s always a big plus.”

Skills cooling off

Even as the need for some tech skills rises or stays steady, demand for others is cooling off. Staffing firm Robert Half Technology sees the biggest declines in mainframe and midrange computing skills like Cobol and AS/400 as the migration away from mainframe computing environments to Web and mobile systems continues, says John Reed, senior executive director at RHT.

Mainframes aren’t disappearing, of course, but employers won’t be paying top dollar for mainframe support. “I have mainframe guys on my team who clearly have not begun to recognize that they haven’t maintained skills that are marketable outside of a small subset of the world,” Abla says.

And while quality assurance is still very important in the software development life cycle, demand for QA specialists has slumped a bit as organizations are asking software developers to do their own QA work. As a result, “we have seen a decrease in [demand for] black box testing skills to a degree,” Reed says.

Demand is also declining for skills tied to other technologies that seem to be on the way out, such as Windows XP, BlackBerry OS and desktop publishing tools used by technical writers, Reed says.

Nonetheless, Abla says, many job seekers still tout outdated experience. “There are people saying, ‘I’m Microsoft certified and a good Windows server admin.’ That was interesting five years ago, but not now,” he says.

The same goes for many IT professionals who specialize in networking and operating systems. “You see people that have ‘camped’ there and haven’t noticed the changes in the industry. Their resumes and experience show they’ve sat around and are now asking to be picked up and moved forward,” Abla says. “It’s not likely that I’m going to do that for them.”

Changes in the skills that are in demand are happening more rapidly than ever, Abla warns. “You don’t get five years to figure it out,” he says. “You get months to figure it out.”

In the last quarter of 2013 alone, the market values of some noncertified IT skills declined 10% or more, according to Foote. He says there have been notable declines in the value of a variety of disciplines, including application development specialties such as agile programming and rapid application development (RAD); Oracle application server and database expertise; skills related to e-procurement and other management processes and methodologies; Mac OS X expertise; LAN and IPX/SPX networking skills; expertise in systems such as VMware’s vCloud, IBM’s Tivoli, and SAP and other ERP applications; and e-commerce development specialties involving the use of Microsoft Commerce Server, XHTML MP and JavaBeans/EJB 3.0.

But Foote points out that “just because something’s going down in value doesn’t mean it’s not desired; it just means that supply is catching up to demand.”

Abla, who consults for EMC at dozens of large corporate IT departments in Texas, brings up yet another concern when it comes to keeping skills up to date: the danger that some IT roles might be removed from the enterprise entirely.

“I’ve got a number of customers saying they want to be out of the IT business altogether in the next three to five years,” he says. “They want their application development people to get what they need from a service or cloud provider, and then go develop the app without having a staff of people managing servers and storage.”

Reed says such a shift would be premature for many companies, but IT professionals shouldn’t ignore the possibility. “If you’re in a role that will be impacted by [a technology trend] such as cloud, you must build that skill set out so you remain relevant in the job world,” he says. “The IT jobs market is evolving. If both employer and employee don’t evolve with it, you’ll be left in the dust.”

Tips for keeping the talent you have

While many IT workers are choosing to stay with their current employers for now, the trend may not last much longer. “Recruiters are very active now,” says David Foote, CEO of Foote Partners, “so companies that have never had retention problems are really having problems now.”

John Reed, senior executive director at Robert Half Technology, says companies can encourage employees to stay by creating an environment where open communication is welcomed.

He advises managers to build career road maps for the key people on their teams and then offer them the training and experience they’ll need to reach their goals.

“Managers also have to sit down with people on their teams and get a gauge on how satisfied they are with their jobs,” he adds. “Pay attention to work-life balance. Most managers want to address concerns before [employees] come in and just resign.”

— Stacy Collett

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