Java Developers, Security Professionals In High Demand At IT Job Market!

According to a report from IT job portal Dice, unemployment rate for software developers and engineers has been half of the total national unemployment rate (6.1 percent) in the third quarter of 2014.

IT job market, across the world, experiences very low unemployment rates and high demand too. The market is also going to be stronger in 2015. Companies which are into building new products and proprietary internal systems will require more software developers and software engineers throughout the year.

According to a report from IT job portal Dice, unemployment rate for software developers and engineers has been half of the total national unemployment rate (6.1 percent) in the third quarter of 2014. Java professionals are on the top of the demand list and Java is the most sought-after skill in the IT sector. Java is also an integral part of open source movement. Java is still the most popular programming language and demand for Java programmers looks quite healthy.

Security professionals are also on high demand. Every year job postings for security professionals see a hike as cyber security and information security are two most important segments for any organisation now. In future too, there is very little scope that demand for security professionals will see a decline. Cyber threats are on a rise and demand for skilled security professionals is also on a rise as they are required to detect vulnerabilities, close breach threats and ensure cybercrime prevention. Hacking is the last thing a company wants in its portfolio and security teams are being built for image retention in the market.

.NET professionals and sales people are also on the list of the most demanded professionals in the IT job market. Other skills, apart from Java, which are sought the most include JavaScript, CSS and HTML coding. Mobile technology is on a boom and mobile specialists are coveted professionals for any IT company now. Demand for tech professionals has been steady for years now with soaring compensation packages.

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